2º Workshop de interessados do OEM das ilhas das Canárias - Resultados

Aug. 17, 2019


This report corresponds to Deliverable 2.2. "Local and Regional Stakeholder Workshops", integrated in the WP2 “Mapping the current conditions and creating a vision for the MSP in Macaronesia", of the project "Macaronesian Maritime Spatial Planning" (MarSP).  

Among the actions of the MarSP project, it is important to be able to count from the early stages with the participation and collaboration of all stakeholders and sectors linked to the marine waters around the Canary Islands.  This document presents the results of the first workshop that was held in the Canary Islands Archipelago. The workshop, entitled "2º Taller del proyecto MACARONESIAN MARITIME SPATIAL PLANNING (MarSP) Planificación Espacial Marina en las islas Canarias", was held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on April 10, 2019, and attended by 48 representatives from different marine and/or maritime sectors.

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