Report on current maritime uses, activities and constraints in each region of Macaronesia

Feb. 25, 2020

Report Summary

The MarSP project aims to develop concrete actions for the EU Member States (Portugal and Spain) to build the necessary capacities and tools for the implementation of the EU Directive on MSP (Directive 2014/89/EU) in the Macaronesian region, including mechanisms for cross-border cooperation. This report delivers the identification of current maritime uses, activities and constraints, under MarSP’s Work Package 2. “Mapping the current conditions and creating a vision for the MSP in Macaronesia”, namely Task 2.3. “Mapping the maritime uses and activities and defining the MSP current conditions”. This deliverable is based on a shared initial approach for the identification and mapping of existing maritime uses and activities, as well its constraints and restrictions, with the necessary flexibility to be adapted to the particular features and needs of each archipelago (Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands). This is a dynamic document, open to necessary updates as the planning process moves forward.

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