1º Boletín de la Macaronesia de PEM
Stay informed of the latest news and some relevant information concerning MSP in the Macaronesian Region. This bullet...
Stay informed of the latest news and some relevant information concerning MSP in the Macaronesian Region. This bullet...
Check this Infographic from the Macaronesian Atlas - Macaronesia Maritme Spatial Planning: States, Maritime Boundarie...
Check the Infographic from the Macaronesian Atlas - Macaronesian Maritime Spatial Planning: Land Sea Intera...
Stay informed of the latest news and some relevant information concerning MSP in the Macaronesian Region. This bullet...
Stay informed of the latest news and some relevant information concerning MSP in the Macaronesian Region. This bullet...
The last edition of MarSP Bulletin it's available!
This bulletin aims to promote general MSP processes in the Macaro...
Report Summary
The aim of the MarSP project is to develop concrete actions for the Member States (Portugal and Spain...
Report Summary
To address MSP in a cross-border area such as Macaronesia, it is necessary to approach it with suffic...
El objetivo de MarSP Atlas of the Macaronesia es proporcionar a los usuarios una plataforma de información con mapas,...
El objetivo de este informe es dar a conocer el deliverable D.6.10 Web Visor – MarSP Atlas. Sus objetivos, funcionali...
This report corresponds to the Deliverable 2.2. “Local and Regional Stakeholder Workshops”, integrated in the WP2 “Ma...
Report Summary:
The MarSP project intends to engage stakeholders from the beginning of the process, taking into acco...
Este informe corresponde al Entregable 2.2. "Talleres de usuarios y partes interesadas locales y regionales", integra...
This report corresponds to the Deliverable 2.2. “Local and Regional Stakeholder Workshops”, integrated in Work Packag...
This report corresponds to the Deliverable 2.2. “Local and Regional Stakeholder Workshops”, integrated in Work Packag...
The MSP stakeholders engagement process is a fundamental step to achieve multiple objectives - social, economic and e...
This report corresponds to the Deliverable 2.2. “Local and Regional Stakeholder Workshops”, integrated in Work Packag...
Este informe corresponde al Entregable 2.2. "Talleres de usuarios y partes interesadas locales y regionales",...
Report Summary
The MarSP project intends to engage stakeholders from the beginning of the process, considering the v...
Este informe corresponde al Entregable 2.2. "Talleres de usuarios y partes interesadas locales y regionales...
Report Summary
This report delivers the general strategy for the MarSP stakeholders’ engagement process, under MarSP...
Report Summary
This report delivers, under MarSP project work package 2. “Mapping the current conditions and creatin...
Report Summary
This report corresponds to deliverable 2.6. “Regional reports on MSP objectives”, integrated in WP2 “...
Report Summary
The MarSP project aims to develop concrete actions for the EU Member States (Portugal and Spain) to b...
The Deliverable MarSP & PLASMAR Capacity Building Workshop was developed under the WP.5 MSP Data Interoperability and...
The Deliverable MarSP 2nd Capacity Building Workshop: MSP INSPIRE Data Model was developed under the WP.5 M...
Report Summary
Macaronesian Maritime Spatial Planning (MarSP) project was a perfect opportunity to finalize conceptu...
Report Summary
MarSP project is a perfect opportunity to finalize MSP data model development and deliver MSP platfor...
La Conferencia Final MarSP tuvo lugar en el Teatro Micaelense, São Miguel - Azores (PT), el 6 de diciembre.
Esta con...
Summary Report
This report of the international Stakeholders Workshop - Innovative Tools & Transferability in MSP Pr...
El proyecto MarSP tenía como objetivo desarrollar acciones concretas para los Estados Miembros - Portugal y España, d...
Report Summary
This report corresponds to the Deliverable 4.7. “Report on the stakeholder’s workshop that will be he...
Resumen del informe
El presente informe tiene la finalidad de presentar el proceso de MSP en Madeira a través del Pl...
Este informe corresponde al Entregable 4.9. "Taller participativo en las Islas Canarias para informar ...
Resumen del Informe
El objetivo de este informe es proponer una metodología común para realizar el seguimiento y la ev...
Resumen del Informe
La Directiva 2014/89/EU de la Unión Europea establece el marco para la Ordenación del Espacio Ma...
Resumen del Informe
La Directiva 2014/89/EU de la Unión Europea establece el marco para la Ordenación del Espacio Ma...